Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 Months!

Jimi is 10 months old!

I need a faster camera because it was once again nearly impossible to get any pictures of him because he is constantly on the move.

Jimi still has no teeth! About a week ago we were sure one was about to pop up because he was chewing on everything and drooling more than normal.... but we're still waiting. The only real solid foods I can get him to eat are bananas, pickles, different Gerber snacks and crackers. ...We've tried different cheeses, pasta, diced steamed carrots, bread and anything else we're eating that we don't think he'll choke on. I'm not sure what the trick is to get him to eat our food... Hopefully he'll just decide to do it (and soon!). Re-sleep training (see previous post) seems to be going well, at least last night and today anyway he only fussed for a couple of minutes. It's definitely harder this time around because Jimi is A LOT louder and much more pitiful about it. His memory is getting pretty good, so I always feel guilty in the morning thinking that he's going to remember I made him cry the night before. Other than 'Mama' and 'Mom' Jimi isn't really saying any real words. He definitely already has his own language though, he uses the same sounds repeatedly for different objects. As for walking, I'm not so sure he will be doing it early like everyone has predicted. He seems pretty content knowing he can get around fast crawling. However, he has been standing for increasingly longer periods of time unassisted and can take a couple steps at you when he gets help getting balanced. I wouldn't call it real walking though.

We took Jimi to the Seattle Aquarium:
Exploring in the 'Tide Pool'

Touching a Star Fish

Blowing the fish kisses

Shark bait

Watching the Seals swim

Also, we have a new nephew! My little brother's wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy
Wade Robert Wessels on July 28th.
We can't wait to meet him next month!

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