Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New food and New Tricks

At Jimi's 4 month check up his doctor gave us the go ahead to start trying different foods with Jimi. I had already given him rice cereal a few times (which he seemed to like OK), but she told us to steer clear of rice cereal, bananas, and apples since Jimi has some.... lets say digestion issues... So we switched him to baby oatmeal cereal, he seemed to like this a little more. I imagine it has a little more flavor (no I didn't taste it, if it's made for babies, it's probably safe for babies). Since he did not develop any reactions to the new cereal, I decided it was time to give him a veggie. I decided to start with the one that I find the most disgusting, PEAS.

He got a hold of the spoon

Jimi loved them! We're supposed to wait 3-5 days after introducing a new food before trying another, so that is all he has tried so far. I think for his next selection he will be sampling squash. I want to try making some of his foods at home.

For the last week or so Jimi has been really interested in James' and my face. I know it is pure coincidence, but about 60% of the time I ask him 'where is mommy's nose?' he grabs it. Although it is the largest thing on my face and the easiest to hang on to, I'm still going to believe that he's starting to associate the word and the object.

He has also started grabbing my hair with definite intent. He can pull pretty hard for such a little person. Not fun.

Yesterday, Jimi was able to sit unsupported for quite a while. He's still a little wobbly (especially when he gets distracted by the dog or a toy he wants to grab) but he's getting the hang of it.

1 comment:

  1. the hair pulling is getting bad over here too. guess it's time to start wearing it up...yay for sitting!
