Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two Months Old!

It's amazing how fast time really does fly with a newborn in the house. It's hard to believe that Jimi has already been here for two months.

It's amazing to watch Jimi become more alert and aware of the world around him everyday. He's also becoming more and more interactive with us and his toys. He has a little conversation with the animals that hang from his car seat each time we go out. He is currently letting us get about 7 hours total of sleep with one feeding in the middle of the night. Jimi is also learning the art of throwing a good fit. He can be quite a grumpy butt when he thinks he's not getting his food fast enough and when he's fighting going to sleep. Overall though, he's a happy little guy.

The last few weeks have been pretty fun. We celebrated James' 27th birthday by going to the Diamond Knot Brewery with some friends, had a great Thanksgiving dinner at James' Dad's house (and again on Sunday at my sister's house), spent time with friends visiting from out of town, and went to a Silvertips game.... Oh and we survived the snow (although my car almost didn't, it went into one ditch and got stuck on a small icy hill).

 James, Jimi, and I on Thanksgiving (Jimi was passed out)

The beginnings of holiday baking

Piles of baby laundry

James and I at the Silvertips game

Tummy time almost always ends in spit up

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Jimi looks practically like a grownup compared to our 2-day-old! You guys look awesome. We must make a date soon.
