Monday, July 5, 2010

Third Trimester!

I am now at 28 weeks, which means we have made it to the third trimester! Time is flying by fast! Everything seems to be going along well. Jimi is getting bigger and so are his movements.. .. We now have three months to get Jimi's room ready and we have a lot of work cut out for us.

The room is currently being used at a guest room/ office/ James' practice and "man room". Now we have the fun challenge of packing all of this up to set up the room.

My dad was very generous and purchased Jimi's crib, dresser, and changing table for us. I can't wait to start setting them all up once we get the room packed up.

The 2nd was my 25th birthday. James and I celebrated by taking a camping trip to the Hoh rain forest in the Olympic National Park for two nights. It was absolutely beautiful and we had a great time.
James and Penny in front of the "Big Spruce Tree"

James, Penny, and I at Ruby Beach

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, not the man cave! Dudes, that looks like it was a beautiful trip.
