I made a big uh-oh in terms of Jimi's sleep habits. Around 5 or 6 months old we got Jimi trained to put himself to sleep (previously he would fall asleep drinking a bottle or by being rocked). It took about a week of him crying for 5-15minutes but he finally got to a point where we could just lay him down and he would talk himself to sleep. At the same time this was going on Jimi would only take naps on either James or I. At about 8 months old I finally got tired of getting nothing done around the house during the day and being stuck to the couch during nap time, so I started laying him down in his crib. He seemed generally OK with it but refused to fall asleep unless I stood over his crib until he was fully asleep. That is, unless I wanted to listen to non-stop crying. So I caved, and have been standing over his crib during nap time until he falls asleep (anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes).
This is where the problem began. Now when it is time to go to sleep for the night Jimi refuses to fall asleep unless (you guessed it) we're standing over his crib. We don't even have to rub his back, or sshh him. We can just stand there. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal except at night (for some reason) it takes anywhere from 5-40 minutes to get him to fall asleep. And then once he wakes up in the middle of the night instead of putting himself back to sleep, like he had been doing, he now expects us to stand over him once again until he can fall asleep.
So here we are again at the painful process of retraining him to fall asleep on his own once again. I'm really hoping it only takes a couple of days this time around. Otherwise Jimi's sleep is still on a pretty usual pattern. He'll sleep from 8pm-6am, eat, fall back asleep in bed with us until 7 or 8 and then be up for the day. About every two weeks, however, he'll have very interrupted sleep and be up several times during the night.
'What are these things?' |
In other news: Mark you calendars! Jimi's baptism will be October 2nd, most likely the 9am service at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Everett and his 1st birthday party will be later that afternoon (not sure on the location yet though).