Sunday, January 30, 2011

4 Months Old!

This little man is 4 Months Old!

I know I have said it before but it amazing how fast time is flying by. This last month had a lot of changes for Jimi. He started rolling over both ways! He'd been teetering on his side for over a month and we gave up thinking that he'd do it at any moment and stopped getting the camera out each time he did tummy time. Now this little guy is a rolling maniac. There is no shortage of tummy time for him, he almost instantly rolls onto his stomach as soon as he's laid down. He starting to get the idea of crawling. He either has his legs under him or his arms in the right position but never at the same time.

Jimi is currently working on getting his bottom two teeth in. They're visible under his gums and he likes to chop on anything he can get his mouth onto. Baby orajel is AMAZING. It helps him settle down instantly when he's having teething pain. Hopefully they come in soon so he can have some relief.

We started giving Jimi a little bit of rice cereal once a day last week. He seems to really like it and is getting the hang of eating off a spoon. Although, a great deal of it still ends up outside of his mouth.

After his first bite of rice cereal
This last week Jimi has started to settle into a sleep schedule. He falls asleep eating around 10 and stays asleep until anywhere between 3:00 and 5, eats again (never opening his eyes), and sleeps again until about 8:45am. We're hoping he can keep this schedule (I'm knocking on wood right now).

All swaddled up sleeping in his crib
Jimi's 4 mouth check up is on Thursday. I'm excited to learn how much he's grown. He certainly feels a lot heavier.

And just because these two guys are cute:

Friday, January 14, 2011


During our trip to Virginia over the holidays, Jimi started sleeping through the night (he had previously been sleeping until about 4am, eating and going back to sleep). It was an amazing two weeks of extra sleep. That all ended when we got back to Washington. Jimi started back on his schedule of waking up at about 4 or 5am and then started adding in waking up at around 1 or 2am as well. I know this is still better than when he was a newborn and he was waking up every two to three hours, but I still miss the full nights of sleep we got for two weeks (conveniently at a time when James didn't have to be up in the morning to work). 

Since his birth Jimi had been sleeping in a moses basket next to our bed, which was very helpful for the frequent nighttime feedings. However, now that he is not getting up as frequently I decided it was time to place him in his crib in his "nook". The "nook" had been set up in a way that wouldn't allow us to use the heater in that area, so James and I got to work as soon as we returned from Virginia and rearranged the area so that Jimi could have heat. After all that we discovered that the heater didn't work. So we decided to keep him in our room until we could get the heat working. However, last night when we went to lay Jimi down in his moses basket (he was already asleep), he woke up screaming. This happened two more times until I finally laid him down in his crib and he went right to sleep. I guess he decided he was ready to sleep away from us. Even though I said I was ready... it turns out I wasn't. I spent the night on the couch so that I could hear him better in case anything happened. Of course everything went fine.

In the last two weeks Jimi has entered the phase of putting everything into his mouth. He's never really seemed all that fascinated with his hands like some babies are, until he discovered that they are fun to chew on, now we can't get them out of his mouth. It is pretty adorable though, especially with his new found squealing laugh.

Eating his stuffed animal

Eating his hands

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

James, Jimi and I took a trip to Virginia for the holidays to visit both sides of our families. I was a little nervous about how Jimi would do on the plane, but he was a champ! He slept for the majority of all of our flights (two on the way to VA, one back to WA). There was a little fussing on the 5 hour flight home but not nearly as much as the other kids on the plane.

We had a fantastic trip and it was great to be able to introduce Jimi to members of the family who hadn't met him yet!
Jimi passed out on the plane

Playing with his second cousin, Marley (they are exactly three months apart in age)

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home
Three generations of James Orr

Getting ready to go ice skating with my nieces, nephew, brother in-law, and step-dad in Norfolk, VA

Jimi is three months old!

James and I at the top of the old Cape Henry lighthouse
 During the two weeks we were out East Jimi changed a lot; he out grew several outfits, grew some more hair, became increasingly alert and aware, started grabbing objects (rather than just swatting at them), and started sleeping through the night (most of the time). After consulting with our doctor we switched Jimi to a soy formula (he was still nursing and getting some formula feedings). So far the change in formula has helped clear up his eczema and has made him seem more content overall.