Jimi had his two month check up on Thursday. He weighed in at 11lb 6oz and was 23.2 inches long. He also got a round of immunizations. I was nervous about how he would react but he took them like a champ. He cried for a minute and then went down for a nap.
James' band 20 Riverside had a show in Ellensburg over the weekend. Jimi and I made the trip over with him so we could spend time with our friends Dan and Zita and meet their adorable little one Miles.
Jimi and Miles hanging out on their boppies |
These two little guys are 6 weeks apart. They don't know it yet, but they are friends.
Zita and I with our babes |
There weren't many moments when both boys were awake and happy at the same time... but they still got a few good looks of each other. We had a lot of fun and it was great to meet Miles! Thanks for having us Dan and Zita!