Friday, September 24, 2010

39 Weeks

We had an ultrasound to check Jimi's size yesterday and our weekly check-up at the doctor's today. At the ultrasound Jimi was weighing around 8 lb 1 oz, which is still big but not huge. The doctor decided it'll be best to wait for labor to start on it's own rather than induction.

We also learned that I am currently between 2 and 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced, which are good signs that labor is progressing. So it could be any day now .... or... it could still be weeks....

Hopefully for my body's sake he'll be here sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I will officially be at 39 weeks tomorrow. Now that we are moved and settled Jimi is welcome to come whenever he is ready... until then we're just playing the waiting game. Some days it feels like we're getting close, but after a few weeks of frequent contractions I'm starting to think he won't be coming any time soon.

However, he may have the option of when he's allowed to arrive taken away from him. I am still measuring weeks ahead of where I'm actually at. The doctor isn't concerned about my fluid levels, but is now concerned about how big Jimi is compared to how big I am. We have another ultrasound scheduled for Thursday to measure his size again to see if I should be induced.

Our new place only has one bedroom but there is a little "nook" in the living space that fits Jimi's furniture.

View of the "nook"

 Jimi's crib
(not sure what the marks on the wall are- they're not actually there)

A cross stitch that was made for James by his great grandpa

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Last week after my ultrasound we were informed that my amniotic fluid levels looked high so they wanted me to get another ultrasound to monitor the fluid levels. Of course that sent me into a panic as I researched all that having high fluid levels could mean. ..

The second ultrasound showed that my fluid levels had gone down some and I was back to measuring one week ahead of schedule. However, this week I am once again measuring three weeks ahead and they have ordered another ultrasound to take place tomorrow. Needless to say, all of this has been causing me a great deal of stress. I just keep hoping that he is just a huge baby (his measurements were in the 88th percentile last week) and that nothing else is wrong.

In other news:
37 weeks

I have been having pretty steady (only mildly painful) contractions for the last couple of days... but I don't know if any other progress has been made.
James and I are moving to into his mother's "mother in-law" apartment this weekend. I've been filling the boxes and he's been moving them. It's not the best time to be moving but it does get me out of doing most of the work ;o)