Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh Baby

At our last check up I was measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule so the doctor had us get an ultrasound just to make sure everything was progressing normally and that they weren't wrong about the due date.

The ultrasound tech didn't tell us much (we'll have to wait until our next appointment), however, she did tell us that Jimi is around 6lb 14oz right now. Which puts him on track to be a big baby if they're correct about the due date.

3-D image of Jimi's face, with part of his arm/hand in front of it. He had it up there the entire time.

Side view

I used to think these types of ultrasounds were creepy but it is really exciting to see what he is starting to look like. He's come a long way from his pork chop days.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

34 Weeks

34 weeks - 6 weeks to go!

So far everything seems to be progressing normally. Jimi continues to measure a week ahead of his due date at each check up and still has a strong heartbeat. At our last appointment Jimi had moved from the head down position into a breech one. We're not too concerned yet, he still has plenty of time to flip back. Also, there are exercises and procedures that can be done to encourage him to stay in position.

James and I were finally able to get the rest of Jimi's room cleaned out and the crib set up.

James building the crib

I painted the letters to go above his crib

We can't paint in the nursery so we're trying to find other means of decorating for now.

In other news, James' band 20 Riverside finally released their first cd. Their show to celebrate the release was great! There was over 200 people there and they were able to sell a lot of cds. I highly recommend ordering one from us if you don't have one already!